Starting over for the love of life

I don't even really know how to explain this post, what it is really and totally about, what I really mean by it all, or where I am going with please, bear with me while I navigate and figure this entirely new direction.

See...if you know me, or anything about me, you would know I am stuck living in a state I despise (except maybe only for the lack of major government interference...that is a whole other post though), and that I am stuck in a county and city I merely tolerate because I have to. My ideal would be to move way north into the mountains and woods and live out there, totally off grid (or as much as realistically possible for a single mom of four who works from home).

The big kids started a killer class: Modern Day Pioneering in the City

Seriously! We started with the purchase of a simple book The Modern-Day grew from there. Growing some of our own food, composting, going as close to zero waste as possible, and even cutting back on meat where we can in an attempt to positively impact the environment.

Step 1: Grow a few basic items, just to get the feel for it. Bear threw some left over lettuce in a container and it regrew, she is growing basil that we got for free, and is trying so hard to grow and avocado tree, God bless her. Did you know that plants get sad and droopy, but can perk right back up when you move them to where they want to be? is a thing. Crazy, right?

At around three weeks per chapter, give or take a week here and there, this should pan out really well. There are ten chapters in thirty weeks, then add in a two weeks each for three big projects, and we have a full curriculum (which hopefully I can write and add to the blog this year).

This simple class spurred a whole movement in the house. We decided to see just how not eco-friendly our eco-friendly home really is ( and we aren' all). We implemented some amazing changes and are really pushing ourselves to the limit here.

*We each got Lush shampoo bars (and tins)
*We bought glass containers and are buying bulk everything from flour to protein powder with no waste
*We switched to all glass and metal cups and straws
*Apartment composting will be happening soon (with a counter top composter as well)
*We are learning to make zero waste products where we are able
*Canning bulk sale items for use later and making larger batches to can for later use
*Dehydrating bulk wild rice to make minute rice on our own
*Eating cleaner and healthier overall

I am very excited to see where this takes us long term...stay tuned for the full adventure...


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